Health and wellbeing awareness events in 2024 for HR professionals

A comprehensive list of health and wellbeing awareness dates to add to your calendars, and we'll go over what each one means so that you can continue supporting a healthier and happier workforce.

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If you work in HR or manage a team, you'll want to be clued-in to the main awareness dates in 2024 that might affect your people. When it comes to health and wellbeing, we're always here to support HR and management teams so they can provide the right support.

Below, you'll find a list of health and wellbeing awareness dates to add to your calendars, and we'll go over what each one means so that you can continue supporting a healthier and happier workforce. This year, we're also publishing monthly calendars where we explore the various awareness events taking place in more detail. Be sure to check them out using the links below.

We hope you'll find this helpful!

List of awareness days and events in 2024


Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (22nd – 28th February)

There are around 3,200 new cervical cancer cases in the UK every year. That's nearly 9 every day. This week is dedicated to raising public awareness about cervical cancer, including prevention methods, such as vaccination, and early detection methods, such as cervical smears.


LGBT History Month

Celebrating the history, achievements, and contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals and communities.

Time to Talk Day (1st February)

A day to encourage conversations about mental health to help reduce stigma and promote understanding and support.

World Cancer Day (4th February)

A global initiative to raise awareness about cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (6th February)

Over 230 million girls and women have been cut worldwide, and it’s estimated that around 60,000 girls aged 0-14 were born in England and Wales to mothers who had undergone FGM. The hope of this day is to raise awareness about female genital mutilation and advocate for its elimination.


Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

There are around 7,500 new ovarian cancer cases in the UK every year. That's 21 every day. This month is dedicated to bringing attention to ovarian cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, and early detection methods.

Endometriosis Awareness Month

Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 people with a uterus, and 1 in 6 women with endometriosis end up leaving their jobs. Despite these alarmingly high numbers, endometriosis is still widely misunderstood. This month aims to bring awareness to this condition that can have a severe impact on someone's life.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

An annual event dedicated to raising awareness around the 2nd most common cause of cancer death in males in the UK.

Employee Appreciation Day (1st March)

A day to recognise and show appreciation for the hard work and dedication of your employees.

International Women's Day (8th March)

A global holiday celebrating the many achievements of women worldwide, and advocating for gender equality.

Young Carers Action Day (13th March)

A day to raise awareness of the public health challenges faced by young carers and advocate for better support and resources.

National 'No Smoking' Day (13th March)

Encouraging smokers to quit smoking and promoting awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco use.

World Down Syndrome Day (21st March)

Raising awareness about Down syndrome and advocating for the rights, inclusion, and wellbeing of individuals with Down syndrome.

International Transgender Day of Visibility (31st March)

Celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of the discrimination and challenges they face worldwide.


Stress Awareness Month

79% of people say they feel work-related stress. Inpatient hospital admissions caused by stress-related illnesses in the UK cost around £8.13bn. This month, make sure you talk about the causes and effects of stress in your workplace, and promote stress management techniques and support.

International Cesarean Section Awareness Month

Raising awareness about cesarean sections, their benefits, risks, and impact on maternal and infant health.

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

There are around 2,400 new testicular cancer cases in the UK every year. That's more than 6 every day. This month aims to increase awareness about testicular cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, and early detection methods.

World Autism Awareness Day (2nd April)

Walk to work week (5th April)

A week dedicated to promoting physical activity by encouraging people to walk to work.

World Autism Acceptance Week (2nd – 8th April)

The goal this week is to spread kindness and awareness, and recognise the strengths and unique perspectives that people with autism spectrum disorders can bring.

World Health Day (7th April)

A global health awareness day organised by the World Health Organization (WHO) to highlight priority areas of public health concern.

Black Maternal Health Week (11th-17th April)

Black women are 3.7 times more likely to die during or in the first year after pregnancy than White women. This week raises awareness about racial disparities in maternal health care and advocates for improved outcomes for Black mothers.

National Infertility Awareness Week (21st-27th April)

There are 3.5 million people in the UK facing fertility issues, and this week aims to increase awareness about infertility, its causes, and available treatment options.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (29th April- 5th May)

A national campaign to raise awareness around maternal mental health issues and promoting support and resources for mothers experiencing mental health challenges.


Maternal Health Month

Dedicated to raising awareness about maternal health issues, ensuring access to quality healthcare for pregnant individuals, and promoting healthy pregnancies and childbirth.

World Maternal Mental Health Day (1st May)

This day aims to raise awareness about mental health conditions that can affect individuals during pregnancy and the first 12 months after childbirth, known as Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs). PMADs include postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder, postpartum bipolar disorder, and postpartum psychosis.

International Day of the Midwife (5th May)

A day to celebrate the incredible midwives that support women and their families throughout pregnancy and beyond.

Deaf Awareness Week (6th-12th May)

A day to raise awareness around hearing loss in the UK and the impact on people's lives it can have.

International Nurses Day (12th May)

A day to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and the many contributions of nurses to healthcare.

Mental Health Awareness Week (13th-19th May)

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event in the UK backed by the Mental Health Foundation, helps inform the public about mental health and advocates for better mental wellbeing.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (16th May)

This day is about highlighting the importance of digital accessibility and inclusion for over one billion people worldwide living with disabilities or impairments.

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia  (17th May)

A day to raise awareness about discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion worldwide. As of 2016, this day has been celebrated in over 130 countries.

Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Day (28th May)

A day to highlight the importance of menstrual hygiene management, promote access to menstrual hygiene products, and educate individuals about menstruation-related health issues.


SANDS Awareness Month

SANDS is a stillbirth and neonatal death charity, and this month is dedicated to exchanging stories, raising awareness, and giving support to families in mourning.

Pride Month

Pride Month is a celebration of LGBTQ+ identity, history, and culture. It's a perfect time for everyone to come together, show support, and celebrate love. Pride events are held worldwide, advocating for equality, visibility, and acceptance for all members of the LGBTQ+ community.

National Carers Week (10th-16th June)

Carers Week is dedicated to honouring and acknowledging the indispensable role played by the UK's 5.7 million caregivers.

Healthy Eating Week (10th-14th June)

Held by the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF),this is a week to remind yourself and your employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle, in this case through the foods we choose to eat. 5 fruits and veggies per day, drink plenty of water and engage in simple activities that get people moving.

Men's Health Week (10th-16th June)

Led by the Men's Health Forum, this week was put in place to advocate for all males to have access to the necessary information, services, and care to lead healthier, longer, and more satisfying lives.

Cervical Screening Awareness Week (17th-23rd June)

Around 3,200 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in the UK each year. That's nearly 9 every day. This week aims to raise awareness about cervical cancer screening, encourage people to attend regular screenings, and educate them about the importance of early detection and prevention of cervical cancer.

Learning Disability Week (17th-23rd June)

During Learning Disability Week, individuals showcase the realities of living with a learning disability. This week aims to celebrate their skills, and raise awareness about the issues that are important to them and their families and carers. 


Fibroids Awareness Month

Black women are more likely to develop fibroids than Asian or White women. This week is dedicated to raising awareness.

Alcohol Awareness Week (1st-7th July)

A weeklong campaign aimed at sparking conversations, advocating for change, and promoting awareness around alcohol consumption in the UK.

World Hepatitis Day (28th July)

An initiative to raise worldwide awareness about viral hepatitis and its impact on millions of people worldwide.


World Breastfeeding Awareness Week (1st-7th August)

An international campaign to inform, support, and advocate for breastfeeding mothers and their babies.

National Rainbow Babies Day (22nd August)

A rainbow baby is a baby born following baby loss, either from a miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death. This day is to honour and celebrate those babies, as well as support and acknowledge the grief that came before.


Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month

This month is dedicated to raising awareness about cancers affecting the female reproductive system, including ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancers.

PCOS Awareness Month

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects around 8-13% of people of reproductive age worldwide, and it's estimated that 70% of affected people remain undiagnosed.

Urology Awareness Month

A monthlong campaign to educate the public about urological health conditions and promote early detection and treatment.

World Suicide Prevention Day (10th September)

An annual event introduced to raise awareness and take action to prevent suicides worldwide.

Sexual Health Week (9th-15th September)

A week dedicated to promoting sexual health and wellbeing, including education, awareness, and access to resources and services.

World Contraception Day (26th September)

An annual campaign to improve awareness of contraception and make sure everyone has access to safe, effective, and affordable methods of birth control.



Encouraging smokers across the UK to try and quit smoking during the month of October and beyond.

Sober October

Encouraging people to go alcohol-free for the month of October, raising funds to support those affected by cancer.

National Cholesterol Month

A dedicated month to raise awareness of high cholesterol dangers and the importance of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, run by HEART UK.

Black History Month

An annual celebration highlighting the rich heritage, achievements, and contributions of Black communities across the UK.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A month-long public health campaign to raise awareness about breast cancer, promote early detection, and support ongoing research efforts.

Menopause Awareness Month

63% of menopausal women say their symptoms have had a negative impact on their working life, and one in 10 women leave work because of menopause symptoms. This month is focused on increasing awareness and understanding of menopause, offering support to women navigating this stage of life.

Baby Loss Awareness Week (9th-15th October)

In the UK, it is estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss during pregnancy or birth. This week is dedicated to raising awareness, but also to giving a safe and supportive space to anyone affected by baby loss to grieve and share their experiences if they feel comfortable doing so. It's a week to remind them that they are not alone.

World Mental Health Day (10th October)

A day aimed at raising awareness about mental health conditions, reducing stigma, and promoting mental wellness and access to mental and emotional health resources.

Coming Out Day (11th October)

An awareness day for LGBTQ+ individuals to celebrate their identities and for allies to show support and acceptance.

World Menopause Awareness Day (18th October)

A day to raise awareness and highlight menopause-related issues, as well as to offer support and resources.

International Pronouns Day (16th October)

An initiative to promote awareness and respect for personal pronouns, fostering inclusivity and understanding.


Movember - Men's Health Awareness Month

An international event famous for the iconic moustaches and variety of fun challenges it encourages people to partake in, Movember aims to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues.

Fertility Awareness Week (4th-10th November)

A week dedicated to raising awareness about fertility issues, as well as providing support and education.

National Stress Awareness Day (6th November)

AN annual event that provides an opportunity for people to talk about the modern stress epidemic, its impact, and strategies for stress reduction and mental wellbeing.

Trans Awareness Week (13th-19th November)

This week aims to raise the visibility of transgender individuals in society and tackle the challenges they encounter within the community.

Disability History Month (16th November- 16th December)

A dedicated month to honour the achievements and experiences of people with disabilities, promoting awareness and inclusion.

International Men's Day (19th November)

A day dedicated to addressing the issues and challenges faced by men and boys worldwide.

Transgender Day of Remembrance (20th November)

A day to honour and memorialise the lives lost to transphobic violence, raising awareness of the ongoing struggles faced by the transgender community.

National Adoption Day (23rd November)

A day to celebrate adoption and raise awareness of the needs of children in foster care waiting for permanent families.


World Aids Day (1st December)

A global opportunity to unite in the fight against HIV and AIDS-related illness, showing support for those affected and remembering those lost to the disease.

Grief Awareness Week (2nd-8th December)

Grief can affect people in different ways. This week is dedicated to acknowledging and supporting those experiencing it, giving them a safe space to talk if they feel comfortable.

International Day of People with Disabilities (3rd December)

A day to celebrate the achievements and promote the wellbeing and rights of people with disabilities worldwide.

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