HR Handbooks

A guide for HR managers: How to support a colleague through the surrogacy process

This guide will help you understand what the surrogacy process can look like and we will offer some tips and advice on how to support someone through it.

Surrogacy is when a person carries and gives birth to a baby for another person or couple. Surrogacy can be used by people with a medical condition which means it's not possible or dangerous to get pregnant, and is also an option for some LGBTQ+ couples who want to start or build their family.

Understanding what a person is going through and the impact it might have from a physical, emotional and social perspective is one of the first and most important things you can do as a manager to support someone through surrogacy. If you understand the surrogacy process and what it can look like, you'll be one step closer to supporting them in a meaningful way.

This guide will cover:

  • Key facts and figures on surrogacy
  • The surrogacy process and what it can look like
  • How to support someone on your team through the surrogacy process


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Want to know more?

Speak to our team about how we can support your employees through menopause, fertility, men's and women's health challenges.