HR Handbooks

Building a business case for fertility support in your workplace

For many employers, understanding the impact of reproductive health on their workforce – let alone implementing a suitable benefit programme to meet their workforce needs – can feel like a big task. Here's the business case for fertility benefits.

Fertility challenges affect millions of employees in the UK, and the journey to conception can take years and cause significant emotional and physical strain.

Although discussing fertility continues to be a taboo in some workplaces, a trend towards starting a family later in life, along with a global decline in fertility rates, means proactively looking after reproductive health is becoming increasingly important.

Today, the rise in demand for fertility and family-forming benefits is palatable. With 38% of employees undergoing fertility treatment considering leaving their jobs, and 70% of people undergoing fertility treatment willing to change jobs for fertility benefits, the time to introduce this kind of support in your workplace has never been better.

In this guide we'll cover:

  • Why supporting fertility in the workplace should be a priority
  • Quantifying the impact of fertility challenges on your employees
  • The impact of fertility challenges on your workplace
  • The different types of support you can offer
  • What your workplace will look like if you invest in fertility support


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Want to know more?

Speak to our team about how we can support your employees through menopause, fertility, men's and women's health challenges.