HR Handbooks

HR Handbook: How to support someone one your team through women's health challenges

This guide will help you understand the different types of support you can offer to employees facing women's health challenges, as an HR manager.

Every individual will require different levels of support when faced with women's health challenges and balancing them with their work lives. If someone on your team discloses to you they are affected by a women's health challenge, it can be difficult to know what to do or say, but as an HR manager, it's your responsibility to ensure you have the correct policies and procedures in place to be able to support your employees, no matter what they are going through.

This guide will cover

  • The importance of understanding different types of women's health concerns
  • Changes you can make in your workplace to address women's health
  • What to do to support individuals faced with women's health challenges


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Want to know more?

Speak to our team about how we can support your employees through menopause, fertility, men's and women's health challenges.